Friday, November 20, 2009


The development of a lesion plan has provided an experience on the use of flexible electronic learning environment that can be utilized to benefit the learners in a global society. The experience has also broadened my understanding and valuable insights in the Course and the use of technology to support teaching and learning. Such questions like:
What is flexible learning?
How can flexible learning be realized and supported?
What is the starting point towards the realiasatoin of flexible learning?
These and many other questions could be asked?
Flexible learning might provide some of the answers.
According to Collin and Moonen (2001) there is much that can be done and involved in moving from fixed, or less fixed, to more flexible learning. There is need to explore opportunities available in the electronic environment that would advance and promote more flexible learning to learners while embracing the concept of continuous learning. As part of my reflection, flexible learning will be discussed and how technology can enhance learning will also be elaborated.
Flexible learning
This is the learner’s choice of accessing different available learning options to advance their learning. Learners will find ways of learning for example Online learning and other learning media.
Flexibility to time
The learner may choose time when to start the course and the facilitator can determine with the learner on modalities of the training. The learner is reponsibity for the learning environment and requires self monitoring. The learner has a choice of the learning environment for example moodle or Online page. The facilitor/instructor can organize content and assignments that the learner will use.Commuinication and efficiency on the material including feed back is essential in the processes.e.g Online pages and other net works.
Flexible to content
The course work to be flexible in term of programming learning materials and assessment standard to be considered. The learner’s active participation on communication may also contribute in meeting the course requirement in terms of when to begin the course and when to end. The learner/facilitor organize for key events occur, for example examinations some exams could be done an on line net work

Flexibility to instructional approaches and recourses
The facilitator/instructor can shift roles to primary been the designer and moderator of the student form the facilitator. The learner would work/use with materials that are designed by the course provider. Face to face can be arranged depending on the location, other technological facilities can be used.

Flexibility related to delivery and logistics
An electronic environment may be the core system of the net working. The facilitator/instructor can manage the site that is used as a tool for course delivery and content to be communicated through the choosen media. The learners have also an option to choose the course and the mode of access they feel is conducive.


It was interesting and educative to develop a TPACK lesson that had an inquiry learning perspective. Our group Leonie VanEelen and Yanieke Paalman worked as a team in the development of the lesson plan. Yes, we spiced our lesson plan to make it more under stable and userfriendly.The Inquiry learning is very fundamental to the science knowledge, learners asks question,hypotheze,design experiments, use apparatus,observe,measure,predict,record,and interpreted ,evaluate, perform statically calculation, make inferences and formulate theories or models. In TPACK a flexible teacher would know how to integrate technology that facilitates teaching and learning through networks for example on line learning, web page, and other net work that might provide efficiency and effective learning.

During our lesson plan development we realised that it was not possible to start with out a context. We started from the approach of taking into account the characteristic of the teacher whom we thought was cardinal in the implementation process. A teacher that integrates knowledge and negotiates the relationship between all components of TPACK was ideal for the lesson plan but we also considered a teacher who had no technological skills and provided some intervention. The teacher’s preparedness before, during and after was of great important to our group if the lesson was to be implemented with minimum difficulties The learners prior knowledge was also considered to be of assistance in an enquiry learning, this would help the teacher to facilitate the lesson effective in an independent learning atmosphere where the learner are active participants.

The Tpack lesson plan was a hands-on experience that provided our group with deeper insight on how the interrelatedness of the TPACK component approach had to offer. One had to either start with technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge, TechnologicalPedagogical,Knowledge,Technological,Content,Knowledge,and,Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge. We thought of how the lesson plan in inquiry lesson would address all the TPACK components, the age of the learners and also the grade level was necessary in the design procedure.Luckly, Leonie and Yanieke used their prior knowledge to come a Topic Tsunami that could be taught in a Geography lesson for the second (2) grade in VWO at secondary school. Pupils’ age ranges from 13 to 14 years. We assumed that pupils in this grade would be familiar with the inquiry approach and work actively independently in the learning process and find answers to their questions. We didn’t think of an investigative lesson that could lead to laboratory investigation but restricted our lesson to what was available in school to suit the TPACK approach. The maximum attended of our ideal planning was twenty and of course, we were also gender sensitive in the class allocation. We discussed and read literature and map up a strategy to come up with an inquiry learning model. The fame work was the bases for the lesson plan.

We started from the perspective knowledge of PK and ended with TPCK because other parts other easily come together. later, after another discussing we thought PK was the most logical to describe one of the circles( CK or TK)and other parts of TPAK would include information about CK or TK.We choose CK.In our opinion TK is used to support delivering specific content in a specific pedagogical way to learners.
Model for inquiry learning:
1. Knowledge Attack
2. Create hypothesis
3. Gather information
4. Construct new knowledge (shifting, sorting, synthesize, draw conclusion)
5. Report (discuss & reflect)
6. Integration
In the inquiry process learners ask questions, formulate hypothesis. Gather information, construct new knowledge and report their finding which is later integrated as new knowledge. Teacher uses the TPACK approach to support learning. The figure below shows the interaction between the teacher and the students in an inquiry TPACK learning lesson.